Expanding Resilience

A self-paced, 6-week foundational course to nourish your nervous system & grow a consistent at-home self care practice.

When you grow your nervous system capacity, you amplify your whole body health, while expanding your ability to uptake pleasure AND meet life’s storms with more ease & presence.

In this self-paced course you will learn foundations of trauma theory and be guided through sweet, do-able embodiment practices that will nourish your nervous system.

Most importantly, you will be invited to grow a connection to your own body that is infused with self-love and acceptance, so that your body can become an invaluable resource on your healing journey.


Exit the cycle of urgency and burnout for good.


Have you ever…

  • Felt out of sync with time - like you are “behind” in life

  • Experienced burnout from spinning in nonstop emergency mode

  • Swung from “go go go” mode to numbness & scrolling in one day

  • Wished that you could just press pause

  • Spiraled out into anxiety for hours…

  • …Only to collapse onto the couch later

These are all descriptions of nervous system disregulation - a physical phenomenon that can occur in your body when you have experienced trauma, stress or overwhelm. When your nervous system gets overwhelmed, your range of resilience can grow narrow, brittle and thin.

If these experiences sound familiar… please know that you are not alone! Digital, capitalist, modern society that does not support the thriving of our nervous systems. The pace, the tech, pressure, the hustle… is NO good for our bodies. (not to mention all the personal and collective trauma we are swimming in).

Unfortunately, if not tended to, an overwhelmed nervous system can have some pretty negative side effects - mentally, physically & emotionally.


An imbalanced Nervous System can lead to…

  • Chronic pain & illness

  • Digestive issues

  • Lowered immunity

  • Brain fog/confusion

  • Dramatic mood swings

  • Hyper/hypo sex drive

  • Feeling you don’t matter

  • Anxiety & stress

  • Depression & freeze

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Relational rupture

  • Burnout & collapse

  • Crippling shame

  • Helplessness & despair


The good news is,

you are not stuck.

You can HEAL your nervous system.

You can GROW your capacity from the ground up.

You can EXPAND your range of resilience.

And when you do, your whole life benefits.

An Healthy Nervous System can lead to…

  • Stress relief & a more stable mood

  • Improved relationships (including with yourself)

  • Healthy digestion & a robust immune system

  • Improved circulation and overall respiratory health

  • A healthier sense of self-worth, self-love & self esteem

  • Increased energy & a clear mind

  • More ease falling (and staying) asleep

  • Increased capacity for embodied pleasure

  • A juicier, more enjoyable sex life

  • Less pain & more comfort in your body

  • An empowered sense of agency and control in your life


When you nourish your nervous system, you increase your capacity to weather life’s storms AND welcome more joy & pleasure into your body.

You increase your overall health & improve your relationships.

You become a more effective worker and a more present friend, lover and family member.

Whether you want more space to hold what hurts, or more room to actually let in the goodness, Expanding Resilience will help you to ride the ups & downs of life from a place of embodied presence, confidence and capacity- so that you don’t need to leave your body behind to get through the day.

Ready to expand your resilience?


Hi, I’m Kelsey Maeve

Certified post traumatic growth coach, educator and trauma informed embodiment facilitator. I have been supporting folks to heal trauma through their bodies for over a decade, and have come to believe that embodiment is the “predictable miracle” of trauma resolution.

Expanding Resilience is a collection of the most useful tools I’ve discovered through working with hundreds of humans over the past decade and along my own healing journey as a trauma survivor.

Believe it or not, embodiment hasn’t always come easy to me. My embodiment practice has helped me to temper my impulse to go go go and to get into a more healthy rhythm.

The practices inside Expanding Resilience are do-able even for those who feel resistant & would rather skip them. They trauma-informed & choice based so that you can get the results you most need without going to a whole 90-minute yoga class or sitting through an hour-long zoom call.

Believe me, I know what it’s like to have a busy life, big emotions and a history of trauma. As a survivor myself, I have dedicated the last decade to learning all about nervous system healing. In this course I share all the tools that have been the most helpful for me & my clients. They are tried & true. I can’t wait to share them with you!


What you get each week

When it comes to expanding your resilience, do-ability is key.

Every week you will receive 5 practices that are trauma-informed & choice based with lots of options for all bodies. Each video or audio practice is only 10-15 minutes in length, so that you can fit them in amidst your busy life.


Embodiment Practices

Mini movement practices to ease pain & amplify felt-sense wellness


Trauma Theory Lessons

Understanding your inner wiring will change your life. Knowledge is power.


Audio Practices

Like a guided meditation for your nervous system.

Writing Prompts

Integrate what you are learning with a rich weekly journaling practice

Somatic Skills

The body-based life hacks that you can use when you are triggered

Six weeks to expand your resilience

A peek at the course cirriculum

Week 1 - Your Blueprint of Health 

All of us have an incredible blueprint of health that exists alongside the hardship & trauma. Every time you tune into it, you amplify your health and wellbeing. These practices support you to connect to your unique blueprint so that you can set a fertile foundation for resiliency. 

Week 3 - Flowing with Change 

Going with the flow becomes way more difficult when your body has experienced the interruption of trauma. This week's lessons help you to soften the rigidity that is the result of trauma and welcome more flow and ease into your body & life so that you can stretch into new territory of growth and flexibility when you want to.

Week 5 - Empowered Action  

Trauma can make us doubt (with good cause) whether or not we have any real impact on the world around us. This can erode our self confidence and sense of self-efficacy and create a chronic sense of helplessness or collapse. Our moment to moment choices can help us to cultivate aliveness and grow our self-esteem so that we can reclaim trust in ourselves and our capacity.

Week 2 - Miraculous Momentums 

When you get caught up in a momentum of emergency, it can be helpful to know how to pause, redirect and come back to a healthy center. These practices empower you with strategies and tools to increase your momentum of wellness when you are feeling shaky.

Week 4 - Magical Rhythms 

Our bodies naturally create rhythms to soothe, regulate and rock ourselves back into resource. Like a baby being rocked by a caregiver, we can harness the magical power of rhythms to soothe our own nervous systems and to plan our lives in a rhythmic and soothing way that helps our bodies feel more soft, safe and held. 

 Week 6 - Digestion & Integration 

As the course draws to a close, carve out time to digest what you have learned throughout the journey. Celebrate your small wins. With practice it’s possible to cultivate a new way of being. A way that perhaps moves with a bit more ease and agency. A way that invites us back into our range of resilience moment to moment. A way that continually draws us back home to our center.


What students are saying…

Watch this 4 minute video to hear real life stories from students who have been through this course



“Kelsey is a brilliant, experienced and deeply compassionate teacher who's embodied capacity and attunement are so healing to be in the presence of. There's a reason why she teaches inside the ReBloom Coach Training: she's excellent. And our students love and receive so much nourishment, education and regulation from what she shares. I highly recommend giving yourself the gift and power of remembering your resiliency through Kelsey's support!”

– Rachael Maddox, Founder of the ReBloom Coach Training

  • “Expanding Resilience helped me get more in my body & celebrate my small wins.”


  • “This course gave me small, manageable ways to connect with myself again”


  • “I like having the exercises as an accessible resource that I can come back to anytime”


  • “The movement portion each week got me back into my body, even when I only did the motions reluctantly.”


  • “I loved being in a community where all of me (and my trauma) was welcome and held with gentleness and invitation.”


  • “The best part about working with Kelsey was her honestly, integrity and grounding demeanor (and obviously her high skills!)”


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know if this course is right for me? Who is it for?

A: Expanding Resilience is for you if you want to feel more emotional and physical capacity to show up for the ups and downs of your life. It is especially for you if you yearn to feel more safe, secure and connected to your own body. It is for humans of all genders, body types and ability levels. It is for you if you are managing to get by, but you know that your whole life would be so much more enjoyable if you could wrangle your trauma responses. It is for you if your life is a mess. It is for you if you have it together on the outside but are secretly starving for love deep down inside. It is for you if you are hustling to get through life with frazzled nerves & constant overwhelm. If you drop into deep depletion and big emotional swings sometimes. If you are tired of putting your own wellness on the back burner. If you have an inner inkling that prioritizing your own nervous system could actually be the thing that changes your whole life- and makes your work, love and relationships thrive. 

Q: What makes Expanding Resilience different from 1-1 somatic healing work?
A: Expanding Resilience is actually pulled directly from the insights I have gained working 1:1 with folks for the past 10 years. I started seeing amazing results from my clients as they implemented these simple embodiment tools into their daily lives and quickly started reducing trauma symptoms without a lot of complex mental work. So I expanded on the concepts that were most supportive so that I can offer you big results with the most easy, do-able steps. I encourage all of my 1-1 clients to take this training and have seen it support our individual work together immensely. This course is a wonderful adjunct (but not a replacement for) talk therapy or somatic coaching.

Q: What results can I expect from this course?
A: Each human is unique and although I can’t promise any specific results, I can share with you what folks have shared with me about the benefits. This course is for folks who have experienced trauma or are currently experiencing mental health challenges (stress, anxiety, depression etc.) or physical health challenges (gut health, chronic pain, insomnia etc.). While it won’t magically cure these imbalances, by nourishing your nervous system you can significantly reduce your symptoms and increase the level of ease, comfort and safety you feel in your body.

Past students have reported feeling…

  • less physical & emotional pain

  • less panic (reduced frequency of panic attacks)

  • increased agency and ability to speak up for themselves in challenging power dynamics

  • improved sleep

  • improved digestion

  • more energy

  • feeling like life “makes sense” again

  • and perhaps most importantly, the feedback I get the most is an increased sense of self love.

If you want to hear from people who have done it themselves… Click here to listen to results directly from students {3 min video)

Q: I need to expand my resilience, but I don't want to feel overwhelmed by a lot more stuff to do. What is the time commitment?
A: I totally hear you. And that's why this course is designed to be small, do-able and digestible. Expanding Resilience is perfect for you if you feel tight on time or are overwhelmed with big projects. That’s why each practice is between 10-15 mins so that you can fit it into your real life. Plus you get lifetime access to the content so that you can re-visit it over and over again.

Q: Do I get access to Kelsey?

A: By joining the do-it-yourself course, you have email access to Kelsey throughout your experience. Kelsey usually responds within a few days and always loves to hear updates about how you are doing with the course material. If you want additional 1-1 support, you can add a personal session with Kelsey at a discounted rate.

Still not sure this is right for you? Check out this free webinar, Nervous System Soothers, to get a taste


“This course changed my life. I learned how to be kinder to myself and that changes everything.”
